Learn to delegate and sleep


Branson said that he had sat down and had "talked about that" with Musk, alluding to the fact that he could have given paternal advice to the young entrepreneur. He reiterated that learning the art of delegation would overcome "his only flaw".

"Do not feel obligated to publish tweets about public shareholders, let the public play to those who like it." He obviously does not like it, so (he should) move to the action and focus on the creative side, "Branson said.

Asked about the progress of his own Virgin Hyperloop One project, Branson said he was "very close" to being operational, particularly in India.

"The Indian government has given the green light to go from Mumbai to Pune.It is the busiest road in India.It takes five hours to travel it and it's a nightmare, there are a lot of And they said that we could build Hyperloop right on the roadside and reduce the commute time to half an hour so it will start to be built next year and it will be the first Virgin headlamp Hyperloop to be built all over the world. "

The demand for hyper-loops would be "gigantic," Branson said. Discussions are under way for similar systems in Dubai and Saudi Arabia, he added. "It's a company that I think has a fantastic future."

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