Leave the leaves for a healthier lawn


What kind of leaf rower are you? Do you carefully remove each leaf from the lawn at the time of the fall or do you allow them to accumulate until a strong wind blows your leaves towards the neighbor who likes garden work?

Picking up autumn leaves is a tradition at Norman Rockwell. You can also let the mower suck the leaves into the bagging tip to remove them.

Have you ever felt guilty when you mow the lawn in October because you mowed all the leaves, without taking the time to rake in advance, but instead, let the mower chew and spit them out? Was it the lazy way?

Surprisingly, mowing the fallen leaves and letting them stand is great for the lawn, and research proves it. In the late 1990s, Michigan State University wanted a response to research on the question of whether it was better to remove the leaves from the lawn or spray them.

During this extensive three-year study, scientists examined three different layers of leaf layers: none, 3 inches and 6 inches of mixed species, mulched with a rotary mower every October.

In summary, mowing the leaves in the lawn has proven beneficial to turf health. Lawns with crushed leaves were healthier than grass without pulverized leaves.

The scientists said: "Research clearly indicates that bedding mulch leaves in existing turf has benefits for soil and plants by adding nutrients, retaining soil moisture, releasing compaction and reducing the growth of crabgrass was reduced by almost 100% in the study. "

Researchers in the state of Michigan have suggested using a rotary mower that sprays the leaves well, such as a mulching mower or lawn mower, with the discharge opening being covered and the height of the mower regulated on a high setting. The leaves should be dry and a slow mowing with a sharp blade can grind them more finely.

Several passes may be necessary, and it is best to mow the leaves regularly, not letting them accumulate on the lawn for more than three or four days. The optimal time to mulch the leaves is when you can still see green grass through the fallen leaves.

The sprayed leaves should settle in the grass in a few days and the remaining litter should not be allowed to completely cover the grass strands. If leaves accumulate in a layer that is too thick for mulching, one option is to rotate by raking or bagging a week, and then mowing the next week.

The beneficial effects of mulching on the lawn are particularly visible after several years of practice. The leaves create a natural soil when they break down. In addition to the Michigan State, leaf mulching is advocated by such entities as Purdue, the University of Minnesota, North Dakota State University, Consumer Reports and even Bob Vila.

Well, you have it now. Collecting the leaves may soon be a thing of the past.

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