Lebanon denies Israeli claims to Hezbollah missile sites | News | DW


In an effort to rebut claims about Hezbollah's secret weapons sites, Lebanese Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil invited more than 70 foreign envoys during a guided tour Monday in the alleged premises. from Beirut.

The move followed a speech by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in which he accused the Shia militia of converting "imprecise projectiles" into precision-guided missiles in Beirut. He also showed aerial photos that he said showed the exact location of the weapons storage centers.

On Monday, Foreign Minister Bassil accused Israel of "trying to justify another aggression" against Lebanon by uttering "pure lies".

"Lebanon will not accept that the UN is used as a platform to attack Lebanon," Bassil told the ambassadors before the tour of the scene.

Golf course, stadium, warehouse

The tour first led the diplomats to a golf course near the Beirut airport, then to the Ahed football team stadium, both identified by Netanyahu as Hezbollah plants. Specifically, Netanyahu said there was a missile site under the stadium, prompting the Lebanese authorities to take the envoys to the gym and underground locker rooms.

The entrance of Ahed Stadium in Beirut (Getty Images / AFP / A. Amro)

The entrance of the Ahed stadium in Beirut

The ambassadors ended the trip by visiting an abandoned warehouse in the district of Ouzai. However, it was not clear if the location corresponded to the third site marked by Netanyahu.

In his speech to the UN, the Israeli leader also accused Iran of having a "secret atomic warehouse" and said Tehran had asked its Hezbollah allies to build the Beirut sites. . Iran's Foreign Minister Javad Zarif ridiculed the accusations by saying that no "craft" show would cover the fact that Israel has an undeclared nuclear arsenal.

Face the bragging of Nasrallah

Hezbollah operates from a multi-religious Lebanon, but the Shiite militia exerts military power well beyond the official Lebanese army. The group is one of the most ardent allies of Iran. Israel and the Shiite army faction have waged several wars, the last one in 2006.

Last month, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah boasted that the militia had obtained "extremely accurate" missiles, despite Israeli efforts to keep them out of reach.

Read more: What you need to know about the military might of Iran

Addressing ambassadors on Monday, Bassil said that Nasrallah's statement "does not mean that these missiles are present near Beirut airport".

The tour included representatives of Iran and Russia. In turn, emissaries from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates were present during Bassil's remarks but chose not to visit the sites. The US ambassador was absent from Monday's protest, apparently because he was out of the country.

dj / rt (dpa, AFP, Reuters, AP)

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