Lebanon takes foreign diplomats on tour to Hezbollah's "missile sites" as Netanyahu's blues call it


"As you can see, there is no secret weapons warehouse for Hezbollah here," said Lebanon Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil ironically, gesturing down under the stands. empty of the football stadium al-Ahed.

JFour days earlier, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had publicly accused the Lebanese group of hiding precision missiles in the heart of the capital, Beirut.

"This is a photo that is worth a thousand missiles," Netanyahu told the United Nations General Assembly as he brandished a satellite image with three points marked with red dots. "Israel knows what you are doing, Israel knows where you are doing it, and Israel will not let you get away with it," he warned.

In an unprecedented move, Mr. Bassil decided to call his bluff Monday, offering foreign ambassadors and journalists a tour of each of the sites in question.

"We have the habit that Israel manufactures information (…) but this time, Israel lied in the presence of delegates from around the world, which is why we took this extraordinary step today." 39, "said Mr. Bassil to the 73 emissaries and journalists together.

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