LeBron James loses 48 points against Miami Heat


It's no secret that LeBron James can score basketball.

In case Miami Heat fans would forget about it since he had left South Florida, James did however provide an excellent reminder on Sunday.

James scored 51 points, a high in the season, and scored 19 of 31 times, in the Los Angeles Lakers' 113-97 win over the Heat at the American Airlines Arena on Sunday night, a record for a Lakers player against the Heat. .

James did not take his time Sunday either. He started things right away – quickly scoring 19 points in the first quarter.

After only eight points in the second quarter, James added 15 more points in the third quarter to reach 42 points and allow the Lakers to earn 16 points at the entrance of the last period.

From there, James finished his 12th game of the 50 points of his career.

"From the start, he was going," said Lakers coach Luke Walton via Al Butler. "He was in attack mode and he was shooting. When players are as good as LeBron and have that night, it feels easy. It's not easy, but they look simple because they are so good. "

James is now the first Lakers player to score more than 40 points or more since Kobe Bryant retired in 2016 with his Sunday performance. He also became the fifth player in NBA history with a 50-point match for three different teams.

Although he has stayed there several times since returning to Cleveland in 2014, it can be assumed that James is satisfied with his return to South Beach this weekend.

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