LeBron James wears Beto O 'Rourke as Senate hat at the Lakers game in San Antonio


LeBron James is no stranger to political statements and this has not changed since he is a member of the Los Angeles Lakers. Before his new team's Saturday night game against the Spurs in San Antonio, LeBron arrived with a black and white hat that said "Beto for the Senate".

The hat shows LeBron's support for US Senate candidate Beto O. Rourke, who runs against Ted Cruz in a high-profile race for one of the two Texas seats. This is not the first time that LeBron offers praise or support to O 'Rourke.

Late in the summer, O 'Rourke was asked to comment on the athletes – the NFL players, in particular – kneeling for the national anthem. In his response, he claimed that it was not disrespectful. When a video clip of O 'Rourke's response was published, LeBron shared on Twitter.

At the 2016 Republican National Convention, the presidential candidate at the time, Cruz, invoked the 3-1 return of James and his Cleveland Cavaliers to the finals of the 2016 NBA against the Golden State Warriors as a metaphor for his return. Hillary Clinton, Democratic candidate supported by James in general elections.

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