Lectures on the sick whale, J50 and Orca photogrammetry at the whale museum | Update


Submitted by The Whale Museum

Discover two orc conferences at the Whale Museum.

On September 18, Brad Hanson, a wildlife biologist at the Northwestern Ocean Fisheries and Atmospheric Organization's Center for Fisheries Science, will discuss "Health Assessment and Response Efforts with J50 (Scarlet)" . 18, at the Whale Museum, as part of the museum's summer lecture series.

A lot of attention and media advertising occur around a 3-year-old, emaciated and sick killer whale, J50, also known as Scarlet, of the southern resident population in critical danger of extinction. . J50 sometimes seems lethargic with periods of activity, including eating. Scientists who observe her agree that she is in bad condition. NOAA Fisheries stakeholders and partner organizations are exploring and attempting to intervene, including potentially offering medical treatment to live chinook salmon, which has never been attempted in the wild before. Brad Hanson, Ph.D., will discuss the evaluation and ongoing intervention of the J50 and will review current efforts.

On September 25, NOAA's John Durban and Holly Fearnbach, Ph.D., of SR3 SeaLife Response, will present a study on photogrammetry of southern resident killer whales. Photogrammetry is the use of photography for topography to measure distances between objects.

The conference will take place at 19h at the Whale Museum. Durban leads the cetacean health and life history program at NOAA's Southwest Fisheries Science Center in La Jolla, California. Fearnbach is the Director of Marine Mammal Research for SR3, a Pacific Northwest non-profit organization whose goal is to improve the health and well-being of marine wildlife. In partnership, Durban and Fearnbach developed methods to study the health of whales and dolphins on the open, including the use of aerial photographs to monitor the growth and body condition of resident killer whales during the last decade. In this conference, Durbin will present several ongoing research projects and methods, including the use of drones to non-invasively assess the health of whales. In addition, Fearnbach will take stock of drone photography to determine the nutritional status of southern and northern resident killer whales in collaboration with the Oceans Research Institute at the Vancouver Aquarium.

The summer lecture series is dedicated to providing the local community and the visiting public with knowledge and wonders of the natural world. The lectures are given by local or invited experts in their field. Join them as they share their recent research projects, stories and experiences. Each conference is free and takes place at the Whale Museum. Donations are greatly appreciated. For more information, call 360-378-4710, ext. 30. The Whale Museum is located at Friday Harbor at 62 First St. N. Founded in 1976, the Whale Museum's mission is to promote whale stewardship through education and research. Visit www.whalemuseum.org for more information.

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