Legionella Bacteria Detected in the Water of Schools in West Orange


WEST ORANGE, NJ – Garden State Environmental tests have detected low levels of Legionella bacteria in the office building and in all but three schools in the West Orange School District, according to a statement from the West Orange Board of Education.

Refurbishment will take place on weekends in the following schools, all of which have been positive for the low levels of the bacteria: Gregory, Hazel, Mt. Pleasant Elementary Schools, Washington and St. Cloud; Roosevelt and Edison Colleges; and West Orange High School.

Schools that were not tested positive for the bacteria were Liberty Middle School, Betty Maddalena Early Learning Center and Kelly Elementary School.

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The Legionella bacteria, which can potentially cause Legionnaires' disease, was detected in the Redwood School's water samples in August, although water in the sinks and fountains at the # The school was judged "satisfactory". The results of the new test for Redwood School are expected tomorrow, September 28th.

According to the WOBOE press release:

"OMEGA Environmental will complete the chlorination process in each affected affected building that is positive for Legionella bacteria.The chlorination process removes all bacteria in the pipes.The process involves the following steps: 1) Chlorine is pumped into the water heater in the hot water tank for four hours to eliminate any bacteria, (2) the chlorine is then pumped into the hot water piping system and stays in the system for fourteen hours to eliminate bacteria and all aerators of each chlorinated sink, (3) the chlorinated water is discharged from the hot water tank and the hot water piping and rinsed with fresh water, (4) samples from Water are taken and retested after the chlorination to check that the water standards. "

Once the chlorination process is complete, Garden State Environmental will test each source of positive water tested. The results of the new tests take about seven to ten days for each building.

The school board pointed out in its release that "there is no confirmed case of legionella in West Orange".

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