Legionella case in Northwestern Washington Senior Retirement Home


A case of legionellosis was confirmed in a nursing home in northwestern Washington, DC's health department said Monday.

According to the department, the disease is serious, but can be treated successfully with antibiotics. No information on the status of the victim was available and the victim was not identified.

The case was confirmed at the Ingleside at Rock Creek retirement community on Military Road, the health department said.

He described the disease as a type of bacterial pneumonia, caused by breathing in a fog or vapor containing Legionella bacteria. Older people are more likely to be infected.

The health department and staff of the retirement home were working with DC Water and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to investigate how the infection occurred. DC Health stated that it had advised Ingleside to apply full water restrictions until the filters were installed on washbasin and shower faucets as a precautionary measure so residents could continue to use water safely.

In general, the department stated that the disease does not spread by person-to-person contact. According to health officials, it can be contracted, for example by inhaling aerosols from showers or faucets.

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