Leon Bridges plays Rally Beto O'Rourke alongside Willie Nelson


Leon Bridges announced Wednesday that he would play at the same Beto O'Rourke rally in which Willie Nelson would perform, The hill.

Bridges, a soul singer from Fort Worth, Texas, best known for his song "Coming Home" will perform at the rally in Austin on September 29th. Last week, Texas country music legend Willie Nelson announced event, and received a lot of criticism from Texas conservatives for doing so, as previously reported by the Inquisitr.

In a Facebook post, Bridges, wearing a T-shirt saying "Beto for Senate," posed for a photo at the time of the announcement. He also explained his enthusiasm for Nelson at the event and described O'Rourke as a friend before encouraging his fans to vote.

"The elections are coming – so be sure to exercise your right to vote. Texas Forever. "

Nelson's place on the bill has undoubtedly attracted a lot of attention, but the upcoming performance of Bridges has further heightened the level of excitement. Bridges have proven popular in the city of Austin, with Austin 360 pointing out that Bridges had sold two nights at ACL Live, one of the most prestigious venues in the city.

The event's bill will include other Texas stars, Joe Ely, Carrie Rodriguez and Tameca Jones, as well as the sons of Nelson, Lukas and Micah.

Such a gathering will draw the attention of the media across the state and across the country, and gathering as much press as possible could help O'Rourke lead a tight campaign. Texas is rarely considered a state in crisis, much less a state that Democrats could win, but that does not seem to be the case in these elections.

O'Rourke is getting closer to the current Senator Ted Cruz, and a poll even led the Democrat to take the lead with two points, Inquisitr.

Cruz will also hold a rally in October, in a bid to fight what has been O'Rourke's impressive campaign. After campaigning against President Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential primaries, Cruz called on his former rival to participate in the campaign. Trump responded to the call, traveling to Texas to hold a rally for Cruz.

Entry to the O'Rourke Rally is free, but must be registered on O'Rourke's website.

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