Lesley Stahl urges President Trump on climate change and more


Access is precious. But Trump distorts the truth so often that it depreciates the format of the interview, the format of the questions and answers, and so on. As I said in Sunday's "Reliable Sources", I would like it not to be the case … I would like the fact checkers to take a day off … but just look at his USA Today editorial the other day. Or his last rally. The more he talks, the more misinformation he generates.

Lemme said otherwise: if Trump was more cautious and made less mistakes, then access to him would be more useful, because more people would trust him and his words would carry more weight.

Yet having his lies on the record is valuable because journalists can dissect and demystify them. Better yet: when qualified investigators can separate their discussion points in real time. Enter Lesley Stahl …

Trump on "60"

During the broadcast, these two tweets appeared in my Twitter journal:

Laura McGann: "Lesley Stahl is on fire." Colby Hall: "Stahl is steaming."

So what did you think of the Sunday night interview? There is a wide range of opinions. Here's Variety and THR's critics insta. Stahl then said, "He enjoyed the fight, he said so, and I can say that he enjoyed it."

"Who says that?"

I enjoyed Stahl's very first question in the segment: "Do you still think that climate change is a hoax?" Trump has not been sufficiently questioned about this problem. His response showed how misinformed he was.

"I think something is happening Something is changing and it's going to change again I do not think it's a hoax, I think there's probably a difference, but I do not know. not if it's made by the man … "

She let him go, then said, "I would like you to go to Greenland, look at those huge pieces of ice just falling into the ocean, raising the sea level." He intervened again with the argument We do not know. Reminder: His own government says that the current warming trend "is extremely likely" to result from human activity.

Later, he used one of his favorite rhetorical methods, "they say:"

TRUMP: They say we had hurricanes far worse than those we just had with Michael. "

STAHL: Who said that? "They say"?

TRUMP: People say. People say that in the–

STAHL: Yes, but what about scientists who say it's worse than ever?

TRUMP: You should show me scientists because they have a very big political agenda, Lesley.

… So, he thinks it's a scientific plot?

How much of an interruption, is it too much?

Some viewers thought that Stahl had not sufficiently verified / verified the facts. Others thought she was interrupting her too often. CNN's Chris Cuomo, responding to a Stahl review, said that she was great and "to check for any false appearances, you would need to interrupt POTUS constantly." And she would never have a Another interview, better to push back than nothing. "

"Baby" speaks

There was a curious amount of "baby" talking in the interview. Trump said "I'm not a baby" at two different times. He has almost never used this line publicly before. And he said that the real estate bosses in Manhattan are "babies" compared to the vicious types of DC …

Why now?

When a colleague asked him why Trump had answered yes to the interview now, after refusing 60 minutes for nearly two years, Stahl said: "I think he's trying to win the mid-term elections. Mandate for Republicans, and I think he believes in it, and I acknowledge that his people believe that the more he is present publicly, the greater the chances for Republicans are great … "


– Next step of the televised tour: Trump will be on Trish Regan's Fox Business show Tuesday night … Regan promotion at 8 pm. hour comes into effect Monday …

– "On Friday, NBC News reported and tweeted that President Donald Trump had praised Confederate General Robert E. Lee as" unbelievable. "But on Sunday, NBC had to correct this tweet since, as it stands , Trump praised Union General (and future US President) Ulysses S. Grant in the clip … "(Mediaite)
– Trump called NBC via Twitter in the morning, then thanked the network for the correction made later in the day … (Twitter)

Upcoming Media Week

– Monday: The President and the First Lady will visit the areas affected by Hurricane Michael …

– Satya Nadella, Kevin Systrom, Jony Ive, Susan Wojcicki, Jack Dorsey, Sundar Pichai and many others will be present at the WIRED25 Summit … WIRED will broadcast it live …

– Tuesday: Netflix profits day …

– Thursday: CNN will hold a public meeting with Beto O'Rourke in McAllen, Texas …

– Friday: Via Brian Lowry: "Halloween", a sequel to 40 years later with Jamie Lee Curtis who ignores all the intermediate events, opens in the theaters …

– Friday: the premiere of the movie "Making a Murderer Part 2" on Netflix …

"Roseanne" without Roseanne

Is there really a life after "Roseanne?" "The Conners" aired on ABC Tuesday night … The first episode explains the absence of Roseanne Barr, and critics have vowed to keep the secret … And until now, critics have been mixed. Dominic Patten, of Deadline, explains that the show is "basically just another multi-cam camera" now. But EW's Kristen Baldwin says she "is very successful at reproducing Roseanne without Roseanne". Daniel Fienberg of THR: "No Roseanne? No problem." We will see…

New Perspectives section on CNN Business

Here is the plug-in for the local team: our newly-named CNN Business website launches Monday morning a new section for POV and opinion articles, Perspectives … Launching collaborators include Melinda Gates, Tina Tchen , Ian Bremmer … and Bill. Carter! He commented on the decline of the political power of emissions like "SNL".
Read more about Sunday's Reliable Sources newsletter … And subscribe here to receive future editions in your inbox …
"We are now at a point," he said, "where televised comedy, as powerful as it is, will have little chance of shooting even some of the true believers from the circle of wagons surrounding their respective camps. . " Here is his complete piece …
– Speaking of: here is Frank Pallotta's recap of Trump's "SNL" parody with Kanye …

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