Less NASA plus NASCAR: Space Agency Mulls Branding Deals for Rockets


NASA's Jim Bridenstine is eager to transfer US space activities to the private sector. Not only has he tried to convince companies to take over the operation of the International Space Station, but he is also studying the possibility of brands displaying their names on rockets, less NASA as we do. know and more about NASCAR.

NASA carefully avoids endorsements of any kind because it is part of the public service and astronauts can not display commercial preferences.

However, according to The Washington PostBridenstine has recently promised to create a committee to look into the possibility of brand agreements, where companies can name rockets and spacecraft, and astronauts are allowed to appear in advertisements.

"Can NASA offset some of its costs by selling the naming rights of its spacecraft or the naming rights of its rockets? I tell you that there is an interest in this now, "Bridenstine would have asked, adding that he did not know the answer. "I would like to see, maybe someday, NASA astronauts on the cover of a box of cereals, integrated into American culture," he added.

Former NASA astronaut Scott Kelly told the To post that this measure would represent "a radical change from the rules prohibiting public servants from using their public service for private purposes", but added: "I suppose this is the world we live in now".

President Donald Trump has named Bridenstine, then a Republican Congressman without experience in the space agency, as NASA's director at the end of last year. Shortly after the takeover of Bridenstine, NASA abruptly canceled its efforts to put a mobile on the moon.

The Trump administration is also not interested in financing the International Space Station (ISS), although Bridenstine's plan to transfer control to private companies has met resistance in Congress. There is also the small problem that the ISS is not entirely at the disposal of the United States because Russians, Europeans, Japanese and Canadians are also involved.

The White House, however, wants to create a "space force" as a branch of the military. Bridenstine supported this idea, while emphasizing that NASA would not be involved in maintaining its independence from defense and national security issues.

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