Let's be grateful not to have all the teachers as vindictive and vicious as Stephen Miller


TThe professor who went to the Hollywood Reporter with rumors about Stephen Miller, a White House assistant as a third student, was suspended by the unified school district of Santa Monica-Malibu.

This is good news.

Teacher Nikki Fiske has been assigned to a "home assignment" where she will remain until district officials make the final decision on the best way to discipline her (if any). A spokeswoman, Gail Pinsker, told the Los Angeles Times that school officials were "concerned" about the release of student information, including allegations that the disclosure would have may not have been in compliance with applicable laws and district policies. "

"This has been picked up by other digital publications and blogs, and some issues have been raised," Pinsker added.

My best guess is that Fiske will come out with a warning. This is probably enough. The punishment should not be more severe than it should be. But she should apologize.

I'm just glad to see the district at least takes the issue seriously enough to put it "at home". Do not get me wrong: I think what Fiske did is extremely mediocre (I said it before). I guess my expectations are so low in this era of hyper-partisan clownery that I'm just happy to see that the leaders of the unified school district of Santa Monica-Malibu are inclined to agree that Fiske has not been up to the task. No baby.

Fiske, whom the LA Times calls a registered democrat, told the Hollywood Reporter that Miller was a "strange guy," she says. "I remember that he would take a bottle of glue – we had no glue sticks at the time – and he poured the glue on his arm, let it dry, peeled it and then the ate, "she added. "I remember being concerned about him – not academically. He agreed with that, even though I could never read his writing. But he had such strange personal habits. It was a loner, isolated and isolated all the time.

Her remarks on the disc are particularly petty when you step back and realize that she is on a 8 years old who had been entrusted to his care. Fiske does not comment on the 33-year-old Miller, who works for the president – that would be perfectly appropriate. She does not say anything about Miller, the adult. All that Fiske brings here is her memories of a child that she calls strange and disordered.

I'm glad the school board has suspended it. I'm glad it's not something we all agree on, it's good and normal. Because there is something fundamentally rude in the fact that a third-grade teacher keeps gossiping about her students for later use.

Thank God that the vast majority of us have spared the indignity of having an idiot like Fiske for a teacher.

Personally, I did not like most of my teachers. I think I may have liked two or three highs throughout the university. I have supported it. I have shunned. I have regularly had trouble. Some of my teachers were really terrible! But I'm pretty confident when I say that none of them would do to me what Fiske did to Miller, who is arguably the least sympathetic member of Trump 's administration. None of them would try to humiliate me on a national stage with anecdotes from the very first days of my childhood education.

For that, I am grateful to you. If you can say the same thing, you should be too.

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