The first trailer of "A Star Is Born" is out and features Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga.

Spoil alert! We discuss the dramatic conclusion of "A star is born", which includes mature content. Stop reading if you have not seen the new version of the movie yet.

Last warning: Lease now if you do not want to know.

It's hard not to be moved at the end of "A Star is Born", the doomed love story of director Bradley Cooper starring troubled singer Jackson Maine (Cooper) and the rising sensation that he discovers, Ally (Lady Gaga).

In the harrowing final act of the drama, the passion and dedication of the couple are replaced by a tragedy. Maine is unable to overcome her personal demons and is killing herself while Ally is in concert.

Ally later pays a dismal tribute to her husband, singing "I'll Never Love Again".

For unknown moviegoers of the previous "A Star Is Born" films, the devastating end of Maine will be a shock. But these three films – with Kris Kristofferson and Barbra Streisand (1976), James Mason and Judy Garland (1954), Fredric March and Janet Gaynor (1937) – have presented a similar story: an alcoholic male artist launches the career. a young man. starlet before falling into a drinking scandal that harms his career.

Jackson (Bradley Cooper) and Ally (Lady Gaga) find musical magic in the new movie "A star is born". (Photo: NEAL PRESTON)

the The 1937 and 1954 versions show that Norman Maine throws himself into the surf and drowns. In the 1976 film, John Norman Howard of Kristofferson dies in a car accident at high speed.

"Bradley Cooper is true to the central story but is updating it," said Alicia Malone, author of the movie's story book "Backwards & In Heels: The Past, Present, and Present". future of women working in the cinema ".

More: Each version of & # 39; A Star Is Born & # 39; (including the new version of Lady Gaga / Bradley Cooper), ranked

Also: Here's what all the critics say about "A star is born"

"The death of Maine adds to the tragic story of all the" Star Is Born "movies an extra seriousness, these films have lasted because they highlight the destructive nature of fame and suicide." she. "It's shocking in 1937. And it's still in 2018."

The new movie exposes suicide in more detail than in previous releases – at a time of heightened awareness after the suicides of chef Anthony Bourdain and designer Kate Spade. We see Maine hanging before the camera cuts itself off.

"A star is born" is powerful and clearly indicates the risk factors and warning signs in Maine's difficult life, said Kita S. Curry, Executive Director of Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services.

"It shows well what drives someone to that, and I cried at the end," Curry says. "I just wish the method was not communicated so clearly to people, and it's a booming method, but they save the trauma of seeing the act of suicide."

Before leaving Ally for the last time, Cooper would like to pay homage to previous films and even asked Maine to repeat the famous replica of previous incarnations: "I just want to watch you again." The concert homage to Ally takes place at the Sanctuary. Auditorium, the same place where Garland made the last tribute of his character in the 1954 version.

In every movie, the male star recognizes that he hurts the career of the ingenuous. For Cooper, Maine, this achievement comes after the debacle of his drunkard on TMZ, while Ally accepts his Grammy Award for Best New Artist.

But Cooper's version points out that Maine, who is in rehabilitation, has suffered mentally throughout her troubled past and has even attempted to commit suicide.

"This film talks more about Maine's personal demons, about his abusive childhood with his father," said Malone. "This suggests that he was still struggling with these and that he was finally unable to overcome them."

USA TODAY solicited the opinion of Warner Bros. on this representation.

On Twitter, some movie buffs release trigger warnings, warning others of the end.

"I entered the movie without knowing that there would be a suicide scene," wrote @buckyelektras. "go to the movies prepared or do not see it."

"Has an important message, especially for women," wrote @literarylyla on Twitter, but "it took everyone in my theater by surprise".

"If you're a sensitive person or subject to suicide, stay informed," says Sarah Schuster, a mental health editor for The Mighty, an online community that connects people with health problems and problems. disabilities.

Susan Lindau, assistant professor at the USC's Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work, said she found the new project "A Star is Born".

"As for the movies, it was tragic and sad, but it was frustrating to have this end as a clinical professional.It's a loophole," she said. "In real life, Maine needed more support after his rehab, while he was extremely emotionally vulnerable."

Nell Minow, movie writer for the movie Mom Mom, was appalled by the fate of Cooper's character, and this had a negative impact on her otherwise acclaimed movie review.

"I sat there all this movie, thinking," I hope they find a better way to handle this, "she says." I do not want anyone to think (suicide) is always a choice."

Minow was delighted with the scene in which Maine's brother, Sam Elliott, tells Ally, panicking, that the death of the singer was not his fault.

"It took away responsibility," said Minow, who thought it was still not far enough. "You want to be sensitive to the idea of ​​representing nobility or catharsis by suicide.The suicide is only sad.Always sad.We can do better in 2018."

If you know anyone who is thinking of suicide, call the National Life Line for Suicide Prevention at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

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