Le’Veon Bell in upside-down tweet: ‘Don’t judge me’


The drama between the Pittsburgh Steelers and Le’veon Bell continues. The latest news coming from a cryptic tweet.

The running back said goodbye to Miami on Monday but still has not reported to the team. Bell posted a tweet upside down — yes, upside down — to speak out on the situation.

For those of us who can’t read upside down, here’s the translation:

“Just about everybody has an opinion on my life and worried about what I’m doing. Don’t judge me off my decision because maybe this isn’t what you’d do…. But most people don’t take the time to simply read between the lines and that’s clearly on them. I’m not going to apologize for what I believe is right for myself, family and the rest of my peers, period…. Also, if you’re really finding the time to figure out what I’m saying you’ve proved my point.”

Under the terms of the collective bargaining agreement, Bell must sign his franchise tender or sign a one-year deal with the team ahead of the Nov. 13 deadline in order to retain his eligibility for this season.

NFL Network’s Aditi Kinkhabwala reported on Wednesday that the Steelers know Bell is in town but he still hasn’t reached out. His teammates continue to express their frustrations with the situation. One player told Kinkhabwala that, “This Le’Veon thing is just a cloud over us at this point. Just make a decision, sign or not, be in or out, and let’s all move forward.”

Until the next update….

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