Lewandowski says Trump helps bankrupt president, addresses report that Kelly was physically with him


Former Trump campaign director Corey Lewandowski told "Fox News Sunday" that President Trump's staff was overthrowing him. He clearly refused to say whether the chief of staff, John Kelly, had caught him during a heated dispute in the White House.

Lewandowski and former Trump deputy campaign manager, David N. Bossie, are the authors of the book "Trump's Enemies: How the State Deep Mine Presidency", which will appear on Tuesday. They both spoke on Sunday for an interview with Chris Wallace, of Fox News, and claimed that the dysfunction was evident in the White House even as they were writing the book.

"The management style that John put in place when he became chief of staff limited access to the president, in order to ensure the existence of protocols and procedures. procedures, "said Lewandowski. "Really, it was necessary when he came into the White House, but I also think that you have a president who wants to have access to individuals who want to take phone calls." Let's interview and he says, "Nobody calls me; I do not receive my messages. "

Other renowned authors have reported similar difficulties when they wrote about the White House. In September, the Washington Post published an audio recording of the conversation between journalist Bob Woodward and Trump on YouTube. According to a transcript of the appeal, Woodward told Trump that he regretted that the two were not able to pass an interview before Woodward's book "Fear", describing the White House as chaotic and poorly managed.

"Well, I just spoke with Kellyanne [Conway] and she asked me if I had a call, "said Trump to Woodward, referring to his longtime senior adviser and confidante. I never received a call. I have never received a message. Who did you ask to talk to? "During the call, Conway apparently entered the room with Trump, and the president asked him directly:" Why did not you say anything? "

"It's a shame, because no one told me about it, and I wish I could talk to you," says Trump.

Lewandowski told Wallace that something had to be done about the seemingly persistent problem.


"It's a failure somewhere in the staff chain – the president does not have the right to go to the people who are trying to reach him, and I do not know where this failure is, but ultimately solve this problem, "he said.

The relationship between Kelly and Lewandowski has deteriorated publicly for months. Last month, in an article quoting a "half-dozen people aware of the events," the New York Times reported that Kelly had seized Lewandowski "by the pass" during a dispute in February at the same time. Oval office exterior, which would have required the intervention of the secret service. The altercation involved Kelly pushing Lewandowski against a wall after criticizing Kelly's treatment of charges of domestic violence against a former White House staff member, the Times reported.

Former White House communications director, Anthony Scaramucci, told Fox News that he was "very confident" about the incident, and Lewandowski said "L & # 39; "An agraham angle" from Fox News in October: "What may or may not have happened, ten months ago, eight months ago, is totally irrelevant to the current situation."

On Sunday, Lewandowski denied the details of the allegedly tense meeting – but up to a certain point.

"Well, the secret service did not break anything up," Lewandowski said. "John and I had a very candid discussion, as he probably has already done many times with the President."

Lewandowski asked Wallace directly if Kelly had caught him and replied, "I do not want to get into what John may or may not have done, but what I think is that it's all right. he understands that my position is to support the president and the president's agenda all the time. "

It has already been reported that Kelly has taken an aggressive approach in other circumstances. In October, the Wall Street Journal reported that during Trump's visit to China last year, Kelly and Secret Service agents "took part in a physical altercation" with a Chinese official who was seeking non-access. authorized to highly secure nuclear football, the briefcase that allows the president to launch nuclear missiles remotely. The paper said Kelly would only accept an apology if a Chinese official introduced him in Washington while she was standing under an American flag.

Axios reported that a secret service agent had attacked a Chinese official after a military assistant carrying the football ball was denied entry into a room with the president. When Kelly became involved, according to the report, he was seized by a Chinese official, which prompted the secret services to protect him.

And several media reported last month that Kelly had started a long screaming match with National Security Advisor John Bolton.

"I do not want to get into what John could or did not do."

– Corey Lewandowski

Trump definitely told Wallace in an exclusive interview last week that Kelly would "move" at one point, even though he was saying that there was still a chance for Kelly to stay with him. administration until 2020.

"There are certain things I like what he does," said the president. "And there are some things that I do not like that he likes – it's not his strength." It's not that he does not – you know that he works so hard.It does a great job in many ways.It's not his strength, it's not his fault, it's not his strength. (…) But John, at some point, will want to move on, John will continue. "

On the other hand, Lewandowski told Wallace that the mid-term elections – which had seen Democrats take over the House and make significant gains in state legislatures and in the governors' mansions – were not necessarily a discouraging sign for Trump. Last week, the incumbent Republican, Mia Love, whom Trump had ridiculed at a press conference after the ballot, for failing, was defeated by Democrat Ben McAdams in a race that took two weeks to to adjust.

"The people who ran in some of these places ran away from the president, which I think was a mistake, especially to some of those seats in the House," he said. "When you look at where the president has been campaigning the most, whether in Georgia, Indiana or Florida, these candidates have won many times, because Republicans and independents have come out to support these candidates, which by extension , was the Trump Agenda. "

Bossie predicted that the continued strength of the economy would likely lead to Trump's victory in 2020.

"One of the great things he's accomplished as a president is to inform the American people of what is happening in the wrong information," Bossie said. "And I think he's coming up against – you're talking about this map – he's running into all the Washington Democratic Party establishment and the media.He has a big hill to climb, and he's going to to do because he's going to tell the American people his incredible list of accomplishments and where our economy is. "

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