Liberal groups prepare basic campaign against Trump's SCOTUS election


  The United States Supreme Court is represented. | AP Photo "title =" The United States Supreme Court is represented. | AP Photo "/> </source></source></source></source></picture>
                " Senators must immediately feel the pressure to protect our rights and oppose Trump's extreme candidate, "Liberal groups say on their website #SaveSCOTUS, launched Tuesday. Scott Applewhite / AP Photo </p>
<p>  Left-wing popular groups plan a massive mobilization next week against President Donald Trump's candidate for the Supreme Court – urging Senators to oppose the election as soon as it is announced. </p>
<p>  The campaign promises to replicate some of the headlines … He used civilian demonstration tactics that helped repel attempts to repeal Obamacare from the GOP last year, sending protesters in the Senate offices from Monday after Trump taped his high court candidate, media and public attention on Senators who take turns in the Supreme Court </p>
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"Senators must immediately feel the pressure to protect our rights and" Liberal groups declare on their website #SaveSCOTUS, which was launched Tuesday.

Organizations behind the push include Indivisible, MoveOn, Demand Justice, NARAL Pro-Choice America, People For the American Way, Center for American Progress Action, Progressive Change Campaign Committee, Protect Our Care and Others

Activists' Efforts to Focus on Trump's Candidate Record on Roe v. Wade and ongoing legal challenges in Obamacare, a strategy that focuses on abortion rights and health care that Democratic Senate leaders are also adopting in their effort to derail the confirmation

Democratic leaders urge their base to train at the GOP, putting pressure on swing-voting Republicans such as Sens. Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska to oppose any high court candidate. Trump's list of potential candidates was blessed by the conservatives.

Progressive groups, however, cast a wide net with their advocacy, and also plan to target Democratic senators in the state of red.

"We have a 50-state strategy," said Kelley Robinson, national director of Planned Parenthood, whose group counted more than 150 Supreme Court-centered events during this week's parliamentary recess.

left does not limit its firepower to the mobilization campaign

Demand Justice aims to spend $ 5 million on its own TV, digital, radio and mobilization efforts against the Trump Supreme Court's choice Focusing on Collins and Murkowski's home, as well as Indiana, North Dakota and West Virginia, states where moderate Democratic senators voted last year to confirm Judge Neil Trump- typed Neil Gorsuch

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