Libertarian Senate Candidate Files FEC Complaint Against O & Rourke and CNN for $ 10 Million on City Hall | Policy


This is a story in development and will be updated.

WASHINGTON – Libertarian Neal Dikeman has filed $ 10 million against Beto O'Rourke and CNN for a complaint against the FEC.

The complaint filed on Monday says that Senator Ted Cruz is not participating and O'Rourke is the only participant. CNN can not claim the event as a debate. In addition, he stated that the format of one hour with O 'Rourke was not a blanket of information given to other candidates. Dikeman considers that the candidate's unique mayor is a donation in kind, which is a prohibited campaign contribution.

"Whatever you do, you can not do that," he says. The Dallas Morning News.

Dikeman wrote a letter to CNN on October 11 asking him to participate in the event, but did not hear from the network.

Dikeman estimated that the hour slot on CNN would cost $ 10 million. If the FEC considers that there is an in-kind donation to the O & # 39; Rourke campaign, he hopes the congressman will reimburse CNN.

CNN and O & # 39; Rourke's campaign did not immediately return requests for comments.

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