Light boxes and other SAD treatments


In the words of Jon Snow: "The winter is coming."

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "While many will be happy for the excuse For others, long, dark nights can trigger TAD or seasonal affective disorder. "data-reactid =" 32 "> While many will be happy for the excuse For a good night's sleep, for others, long, dark nights can trigger the onset of SAD or seasonal affective disorder.

According to recent statistics, in the UK, one in 15 people would suffer from seasonal affective disorder.

The NHS describes TAS as a form of depression that goes back and forth according to a seasonal pattern.

<p class = "canvas-atom-canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "" The SAD is sometimes called "winter". depression "because the symptoms are usually more apparent and more severe in winter," reads on the site. "Data-reactid =" 35 ">" SAD is sometimes called "winter depression "because the symptoms are usually more apparent and more severe in winter," reads on the site.

Often triggered by long nights and short days, the patient's symptoms include low mood, lethargy, restless sleep and loss of libido.

"CAS is common and can reach people from all walks of life," says Dr. Preethi Daniel, clinical director of the private chain of general practitioners, London Doctors Clinic.

"As the days darken and the more you wake up even before the sun comes up, you risk feeling low mood or a lack of persistent energy. You may have trouble concentrating and you may not even enjoy doing your usual activities. "

Fortunately, you can do something to combat the effects of the SAR and give the green light to winter …

Eat yourself happier

Start by beating the carbohydrate coma.

"The craving for carbohydrates is a major problem in winter," says Dr. Daniel. "Eating healthy, targeting all food groups and those who release energy slowly, will cause less cravings and softness in carbohydrates."

Dr. Daniel also suggests limiting sugar intake and reducing caffeine. "Eat foods high in folic acid such as leafy vegetables. There is evidence that we are using it to make serotonin, a happy hormone, "she says.

"There is also evidence that berries prevent us from releasing cortisol, which is responsible for the stress."

In winter, there is no doubt that we are hungry for comfort, but according to Dr. Daniel, we should try to limit chocolate treats.

"Indulge yourself if you must, but make some dark chocolate. The antioxidants and polyphenols they contain can dramatically improve your mood, "she says.

Stay active

The last thing that tempts you is to run in the cold, but regular exercise helps release these hormones of happiness.

"It also beats laziness and warms those muscles," says Dr. Daniel. "If you find yourself a little unmotivated at work, do a writing session or even go for a walk at lunch time."

Your vitamin D

"Vitamin D is very important to maintain good mood," says Dr. Daniel. Although we naturally get it from the sun and store it in our skin on cloudy days, we produce less and run out of stores much faster.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "" This affects not only our mood but also Supplements good quality over the counter, in the form of sprays or tablets, will be useful. "Try once a day with the sun D (£ 5.24). "Data-reactid =" 52 ">" It does not only affect our mood, it also causes general pain that worsens woes, so taking a good-quality countertop supplement in the form of sprays or tablets will help : "Try once a day Sunshine D (£ 5.24).

Get light

Even in cloudy weather, we need natural light to reset our circadian clock.

"In addition, light therapy is an effective treatment for TAS," says Dr. Daniel. "You can use a light box, 10 times more powerful than a desk light. Standing in front for 30 minutes can improve your mood.

"There are also lighting devices available on the market that mimic the sunrise in the summer morning and create natural light in your room in the morning. By imitating natural sunlight, your body feels good and energetic for a busy day of work. "

4 of the best SAD lights

The light boxes provide an intense summer light to treat the TAS, lift the mood, stimulate concentration and restore natural energy.

Lumie Bodyclock Shine 300: 125 €,

Lumie lamps have been scientifically tested and are recommended by SADA, a UK charity for SAD.

Homni Smart Lamp Sleep and Wake Aid with Dot Sensor: € 199, John Lewis

Connect to your phone or tablet and the light will analyze the temperature, humidity, sound levels and brightness of your room and monitor the quality of your sleep with its Wellness Coach app.

Sad Light Co. Diamond 5 – SAD Softbox: £ 259,

Small but powerful, users claim to have felt the benefits in just 20 minutes.

Litepod SAD Light: £ 99.45,

At only 38cm x 12.5cm x 12.5cm this is perfect for sticking on your desk.

Ask for help

If you are really trying hard but still struggle to cope with these winter days, consider talking to your doctor or even to your friends and family.

"Counseling, psychotherapy, and medication can also be used to treat SAR," says Dr. Daniel. "If you're exhausted by the time you spend at work, some private GPs offer video consultations, so there's no excuse to fight silently – get the help you need."

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