Light Therapy for Seasonal Affective Disorder: Tips for Gathering


It is ironic that the coldest and darkest part of the year is when Americans celebrate their most enjoyable vacation. For many, the weather between Thanksgiving and New Year has nothing to do with "the most beautiful time of the year" – no matter what the Andy Williams song says.

For some people, the change of season brings more than chills. About six percent of the US population suffers from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a subtype of depression that occurs primarily in the fall and winter. The symptoms are almost identical to those of major depressive disorder, causing sadness, a feeling of hopelessness and excessive sleep. The difference with SAD is that the symptoms disappear when spring and summer arrive.

The exact cause of the CAS is unclear, but researchers have noted that people with the disorder had some characteristics:

  • A drop of serotonin, a brain chemical substance associated with mood

  • An overproduction of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep

  • And insufficient vitamin D levels, which can be caused by lack of sun.

Light Therapy: How to Help Seasonal Depression + What to Look For

The main treatment for seasonal affective disorder is so-called light therapy, which attempts to compensate for the lack of natural light during the winter months. Decades of research have shown that light therapy can improve the symptoms of about 60% of patients, according to UpToDate.

Here's how it works, according to Harvard Medical School: Bright light stimulates the retina, the back part of the eyeball that sends messages to the brain via the optic nerve. This activates the hypothalamus in the brain, which helps control your circadian rhythms. This helps to combat the lethargy and excessive tiredness associated with seasonal depression.

But do not turn on your desk lamp and do not expect to see an improvement. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, light therapy requires special lamps, called "light boxes", about 20 times brighter than your standard indoor lamp.

A good light box should:

  • Provide 10,000 lux (which is a measure of light intensity)

  • Filter UV wavelengths

  • And emit a cold white fluorescent light.

You should also consider how and when you plan to use it. Different models can be attached to walls or fixed on tables. Think of a moment in your morning routine where you could be in the same place for at least 20 minutes, like having a coffee at your table or putting on makeup in front of the bathroom mirror. Choose a light box model that is compatible with these locations.

A more interesting and recent option is a dawn simulation light box. These light boxes are often used as alarm clock. Half an hour before your alarm goes off, these light boxes start to emit dim light and the brightness gradually increases until it reaches full brightness to mimic the sunrise when your alarm goes off. Many also offer soothing sound options, so you can start your day with fake sunlight * and * chirping birds.

If you need help choosing a light box, do not be afraid to contact your doctor. They may have recommendations, as well as other tips to calm seasonal affective disorder.

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