"Like sitting on an electric chair": Mueller's grand jury grows Roger Stone, partner at Credico


Randy Credico

Randy Credico, a comedian with links to Roger Stone, was summoned by Special Advisor Robert Mueller to the grand jury on Friday. | Alex Wong / Getty Images

Randy Credico, an activist and Liberal activist, testified over two hours Friday before a grand jury chaired by the office of Special Advisor Robert Mueller who appears to be focusing on Trump's former advisor, Roger Stone.

Credico came out of the interrogation, describing it as a trial.

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"It was like sitting on an electric chair for a few hours," he told POLITICO.

Credico's lawyer, Martin Stolar, said the Mueller team – which studies potential links between the Trump campaign and Russia – seemed firmly focused on Stone, a longtime informal confidante of Trump.

"The subject of the questions was mainly his relationship with Roger Stone," said Stolar. "The majority of the questions were about Roger Stone."

Mueller's team is interested in Stone because of its relationship with WikiLeaks and its founder, Julian Assange, whose organization issued e-mails during the 2016 presidential campaign that US computer hackers stole from John Podesta's personal account.

Credico is a devoted supporter of Assange, and Stone's contacts with Credico have led to speculation that Credico served as an intermediary between Assange and Stone.

Asked about the importance of the Friday question about Assange, Credico said: "Very little."

Stolar then cut him off: "No, no, the specific issues we will not discuss."

Credico said he remains a passionate supporter of Assange, but sees Mueller's investigation as distinct from the US government's investigations into Assange and WikiLeaks, which Secretary of State Mike Pompeo described as a "hostile intelligence service." .

"It's a separate effort," Credico said. "I can go back and do what I did before, hopefully, and advocate for the liberation and freedom of Julian Assange, a friend very close to me." It's time to go around the trolleys rather that of firing squad around Julian Assange. "

Credico's appearance at the courthouse featured surreal elements, with the grand jury witness spontaneously making impressions for the journalists of Senator Bernie Sanders and the late President Ronald Reagan. Credico was accompanied by his miniature dog, Bianca, who entered the courthouse in an animal carrier and joined the liberal activist and a staunch supporter of Sanders in the grand jury room.

Credico said that it would not have appeared if the Mueller team had not agreed to host the dog.

"She guided me through," he said. "She is very spoiled, I want to thank them for being dog lovers, there are a lot of hoops that I had to go through to get her down here, but I could not have it. to do without it. "

Mueller prosecutor Aaron Zelinsky led most of the interrogation on Friday, but two other prosecutors were present, Stolar said. He refused to identify the other prosecutors. The grand jurors also took an active part in the interrogation, said Credico.

"I was looking at the prosecutors, I was looking at the jury sometimes, again – quite heavy for me," he said.

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