Limo operator in a fatal accident in the north of the state of New York accused of homicide by criminal negligence


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The operator of the limo company whose vehicle was involved in the fatal accident that killed 20 people Saturday in northern New York State was arrested and charged with negligent homicide criminal, the national police told NBC News.

Nauman Hussain, the Prestige Limousine operator, was arrested on Wednesday after a traffic stop, police from the state of New York said. He has been charged with a charge of homicide by criminal negligence, but the prosecution lists the 20 victims, police said.

Hussain's father, Shahed Hussain, owns Prestige Limousine, in Gansevort, New York State, according to the company's attorney. Earlier this week, police said Shahed Hussain – who was not charged – was in Pakistan at the time of the accident and said they did not have the power to ask Hussain to return to United States..

"Nauman Hussain is the only person responsible for the traffic of this vehicle on Saturday, said New York State Police Superintendent George Beach at a press conference held on Wednesday.

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