Lin-Manuel Miranda's Lullaby of March "Families bond together" will make you cry – VIDEO


Thousands of people march in cities across the country on Saturday, June 30 to protest President Donald Trump's "zero tolerance" immigration policy. Hamilton creator Lin-Manuel Miranda joined the Belong Family March March in Washington, DC, and the famous Broadway star sang a lullaby for children who were separated from their families . Miranda's lullaby, "Dear Theodosia", comes directly from her hit musical, and it's a touching ode to Theodosia, Aaron Burr's daughter, and Hamilton's son, Philip.

As seen in the CNN video of the rally, before embarking on an a cappella version of his song, Miranda told the crowd,

"Because there are parents who can not to sing lullabies to their children, I'm just going to sing a lullaby that I wrote, and that 's for those parents, and we' re not going to stop until that 's right. they can sing them to their children again. "

In the complete video shared by Now This, you can hear the audience join Miranda and the singer seems visibly moved. After his performance, he shared on Twitter: "The moment when the public came with the counter-melody will live in my heart forever.Thanks."

On Tuesday, a federal judge ordered the Trump administration to reunite all children and parents who were separated due to the "zero tolerance" policy within 30 days, as reported by CNN. However, activists and protesters like Miranda want to make sure that the current administration is following through on the order, while making their voices heard on family separation.

Miranda was one of the celebrities who showed up at the marches on Saturday. Other people who marched included Chrissy Teigen, Alicia Keys, Kerry Washington and Amy Schumer . Keys read a letter to the D.C. rally written by a mother who was separated from her son. Keys' own son, Egypt, 7, was with her on the march, and before she reads the letter, she explained why family reunification meant so much to her .

She says:

"My 7 year old son is here with me today, his name is Egypt, I could not even imagine not being able to find him, I could not even not imagine being separated from Him, or frightened by the way he is treated, so that's all our fight because if it can happen to any child, it can happen to my child and your child and all our children. "

Egypt, and Miranda joined with Superstore star America Ferrera for a photo at the rally. Everyone wears white, the color people wear to show their support for the reunification of children who have been separated from their parents as part of the zero tolerance policy. Miranda subtitled the photo with a simple message, "# FamiiesBelongTogether # DC America & Alicia & Egypt."

While many problems divide people, a recent CNN survey reveals that 67% of Americans oppose that parents. As illustrated by the heartbreaking rendition of Miranda's "Dear Theodosia", there are far too many children faced with days when their parents do not hide them at night waiting for the US government to meet with their parents.

Families Belong Together marches have brought celebrities, as well as thousands of citizens, to the point of repairing the damage caused by this policy – at least to the extent possible. Having the support of people like Miranda can only contribute to the cause and amplify the voices that speak out against the immigration policies of this administration. Although only time will tell how long it will take to bring these families together, knowing that Miranda and so many others are telling their kids that they have advocates fighting for them.

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