Lindsay Lohan at the center of the storm of social media after being hit by a refugee mother.


HOLLYWOOD's celebrity, Lindsay Lohan, is at the center of a social media-hijacking storm after she's filmed herself trying to convince homeless refugee children of come with her in a hotel room.

The entire ordeal was viewed by its 6.8 million subscribers on Instagram, where thousands of comments denouncing the actor's behavior were left throughout the three-minute video.

In the video, we can see the 32-year-old man approaching a family of Syrian refugees in Moscow and speaking to them in English with some sentences in Arabic.

She asks the mother "what do you need?" Before turning to the kids and asking them if they "want to stay in a hotel room tonight" where she promises them to watch movies together.

Lohan then says "let me take them" and addresses the hotel's invitation to the children's mother, but says their father can not come.

The video takes a dark turn when the family tries to get away from Lohan, who then follows them and accuses them of child trafficking.

"I will not leave until I take you, now I know who you are, do not f — with me," says the celebrity, who keeps on chasing after the mother seems to hit her in the face , probably feeling threatened.

The Saturday show went viral and sparked a wave of criticism on Twitter and on social media platforms, many describing the former child actor's actions as "shocking" and "disgusting".

"Everybody tells jokes about Lindsay Lohan trying to steal two Syrian refugee children from their parents and retaliate live on Instagram – but I'm outraged by her blatant white savagery," writes Ghazala Irshad. than 4000 times.

"Lindsay Lohan streaming herself in pursuit of a homeless Syrian family accusing them of trafficking children is probably the strangest content to come out in 2018," tweeted another user.

An anonymous source, has since told the US magazine Us Weekly, that the actor's publicist now goes to Paris to check on Lohan's presence after his friends and family have expressed their concerns.

"The people around her are worried and her life in the United States makes her less responsible. Hunter Frederick, Lohan's longtime publicist, travels to Paris to watch her, "the source told the magazine.

"Public crises are what really stress everyone [Friday] the night was bad, even for Lindsay, "they added.

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