Lindsay Lohan on Domestic Violence, Mykonos Beach Club, Living in Dubai


Part of the reason why Lindsay Lohan opened a new beach club in Mykonos, Greece, is because it's there that her ex-fiancé would have assaulted her.

"It happened here in Mykonos on the beach," Lohan, 31, told the New York Times in an interview published Tuesday. "And that was the moment when I changed and I said to myself," I will take control of my life completely, and send everyone away and just rehire them when I'm ready. "And that 's why I'm here today, because it was on that beach where I was hit." I said, "You know what? If there is anything I can do, I will have this beach. It's going to be my beach. "

The ex of Lohan, Egor Tarabasov, was accused of assaulting the actress in the summer of 2016. After the incident, she claimed that she feared for his life.

Tarabasov, 25, had previously denied all allegations of abuse.

"If someone in my life for a second, I do not feel safe with, they are out," she added. "Very simple, that's it, I'm not going to complicate things, because I'm a janitor, I always want to give people … There was a moment when I thought," I did not I do not really need to worry about a guy who hurts me, I do not need to live in fear. "Because when women show fear, I feel that it makes us helpless."

It is not only Tarabasov that Lohan sought to evade, but also the cameras that followed him for most of his life.

"That click – Karl Lagerfeld said," It's like they were shooting me at weapons … and I felt it, "she said. said about the frenzy of the paparazzi who followed her wherever she went. "You have the impression that you are always watching, you are paranoid, it creates that paranoia in your head, it is not necessary."

This paranoia is long gone.

Security is a big reason why the once troubled starlet loves her new life in Dubai, where she resides when she is not busy at her beach club. She told the Times that she cherished the privacy that the UAE city offers her because the laws are stricter on the paparazzi there. In fact, she feels so safe in her new home that she admitted that she sometimes leaves the door of her apartment unlocked.

"It's the safest place," she gushed out of Dubai. "It's less demanding." America is always like, "Come on, go, go, go!" I do not need to open the news and see the Kardashian. I have nothing to do, I choose what I want to see and how I want to live. "

Ironically, despite his contempt Kardashian, Lohan is developing a reality show, the "Vanderpump Rules," about his beach club, though it's unclear whether Lilo will appear on camera for the series.

"There is a commercial side to my life now, but I'm not in America, so nobody knows it, which is nice for me," she said. "Because I can really focus on the result of things."

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