Lindsay Lohan "Rescue" Attempted refugee children on the Internet


In what began as Lindsay Lohan's philanthropic act attempt to help a family of homeless Syrian refugees has turned into a charge of child trafficking and fighting that has Led Lohan to the ground crying.

the Naughty girls The actress documented all this in a very strange video on Instagram Live, in which she insisted on helping a Syrian family of four that she had spotted on the street. Throughout the video, she speaks to them in English and Arabic and offers them a hotel room so they do not have to sleep on the street.

In the video, Lohan's offer does not seem to interest the family. They may not understand what she says. Nevertheless, they remain on the spot, but Lohan insists – very aggressively – for her to host them in a hotel. However, the family does not seem interested and seems confused as to what she is trying to do.

Lohan continues to put pressure on them. They get up and start to leave, but she follows them saying it's not good. By following them, she accuses them of trafficking their children. This is the moment a fight begins to occur. In the video, it seems that she is trying to reach one of the children. Blair Witch route with voices in the background suggesting that there is a fight.

When the dust settles, Lohan cries and the family is gone and she says, "I'm in shock right now, I'm as scared."

All the incident and the altercation were quite bizarre. Lohan has been asleep for a while, but this aggressive act of unsolicited kindness puts her back in the limelight. She is also about to have a series of videos about her life in Mykonos, Greece.

Watch the full video below.

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