Lindsay Lohan tries to help a family of Syrian refugees in a strange video


Lindsay Lohan, Instagram live


Lindsay Lohan posted a weird video on Instagram Live on Saturday, showing her filming and trying to help what appeared to be a family of four homeless, that she thinks are Syrian refugees.

In the pictures, the 32-year-old Naughty girls star insists on helping the woman and two boys by paying them a hotel room. The woman did not have it. After the adults and children have started to move away from the actress, she accuses the man and woman of child trafficking aloud and insists on taking the children with her. The woman then enters with anger in a brief physical altercation with her.

Lohan has not yet commented on the video, which could have been filmed in Moscow because she had already shared a picture of her. In the pictures, the actress, who has lived abroad in recent years, sometimes says words in Russian and Arabic.

"Hey everyone, I just want to show you a family I've met, a family of Syrian refugees," Lohan says in the video, approaching a man sitting on a sidewalk with two boys huddled under a blanket. me your story so that i can help you.What do you need? Do you want me to give you a hotel? Then I want you to tell America what you I need it and I'll get it for you. "

"Yalla Habibi [Come on, my dear]she said to one of the boys. Do you want to come with me? Come with me. Come come. I will take care. Let me take care of you guys … do you want to stay in a hotel tonight? Do you want to watch movies? Yeah. Would it be so cool to watch a movie on TV or on a computer? Let's go. You'll be the boss from now on. I'm taking you with me and we'll see them tomorrow. "

Lohan continues to plead with the woman to allow her to take the children to a hotel room for one night. She then proposes to take the four people, but changes quickly and says to the woman: "Not your husband, just you and your children."

The woman starts talking to the man, during which Lohan says "Three seconds, run" and laughs.

"You should not sleep on the floor, okay?" she tells one of the children. "Do you understand that, you should not sleep on the floor, you're a good little boy and it's not fair."

She then reprimands the woman saying, "You should not have them on the floor. You are a heartbreaking woman, I'm freezing right now, and you should do what you do for your children so that they have [a] a better life and if someone offers them a home and a bed, which is me right now, give it to them. No, they will come back to you. I am a good person, but it is not true. "

She explains to the adults: "I am Italian-Irish, I speak Russian and I speak Arabic".

"Come, run, let's go in. They're going in. It's wrong … let them go, yalla, yalla," she continues. "Come on, No. They look tired and cold, I'll buy a room, I'll buy a hotel room, I'll do it, I'll buy it." .. come to my car room and I will buy a hotel room, come on, let's go. "

After six minutes of argument, the group gets up. Lohan asks the boys if they are excited and tells them to put on their shoes because they are barefoot. Adults start packing their few belongings while the actress tries to persuade them to leave behind a wet and dirty object. The group then moves in the opposite direction of his car and Lohan shouts, "Look what's going on, they're trafficking kids," adding, "I will not leave until I take you."

"Now I know who you are, do not overpower me, Hey kids!" she continues following the group. "You ruin the Arab culture by doing that, you take those kids, they want to go in. I'm with you, do not worry, the whole world sees it now, I'll walk forever."

Lohan tries to approach one of the boys and hand him over, which causes the woman to protest loudly. There is a short fight during which Lohan drops his phone. The group leaves her and she starts talking to the camera.

"She's just, I'm in shock, people," Lohan said in tears, clutching his cheek.

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