Lindsay Lohan's refugee stream unloads her in hot water


She was arrested for everything from driving while drunk to theft to the display.

This time, she gets a brutal reaction after streaming a video on Instagram that shows she is apparently trying to take some children from a family of homeless Syrian refugees to a hotel.

Some who saw the video wondered if his actions could be described as a diversion attempt.

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The video has since been removed from the celebrity account.

However, the dramatic video shows her approaching a family of what she says are Syrian refugees sitting on a sidewalk.

She then offers them a hotel room, suggesting that the boys can watch movies on a TV or computer.

When they seem to refuse her offer and go away, she follows them.

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The video has since been posted on YouTube and shows Lohan saying, "Look what's going on. They traffic children. I will not leave before taking you. "

You will have to see it yourself to believe it:

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