Lindsey Buckingham, Fleetwood Mac Tour cut, pursues teammates


Yet another division of Fleetwood Mac has become increasingly sour, and this time, Lindsey Buckingham is the extraordinary.

Buckingham, 69, continued Tuesday in Los Angeles Los Angeles Superior Court, Stevie Nicks, Christine McVie, John McVie and Mick Fleetwood, after the announcement of his dismissal from Fleetwood Mac's 2018- The Tour 2019 in North America, which began this month and is expected to take place in April.

In the standings, Buckingham said that "not a single member of the group" had called to tell him why he would not be included in the lineup while he had reached an agreement with the promoter of the live concert Nation so that he can play 60 concerts over two years. , each member earning between $ 12 and $ 14 million. Buckingham accuses the members of the band of breach of fiduciary duty, breach of verbal contract and international interference for potential economic benefit, according to court documents, and claims compensatory damages.

"Last January, Fleetwood Mac made the decision to continue shooting without me," Buckingham said in a statement. "I remain deeply surprised and saddened, as this decision puts an end to the beautiful 43-year legacy we have built together."

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