Lindsey Graham says Chelsea Handler's comment on her sexuality does not help the country


Hanna Bogorowski | Journalist

GOP Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina responded on Friday to comedian Chelsea Handler's tweet, which seemed to imply that Graham was a concealed homosexual, claiming that she "knows nothing about me".

Handler, who is a virulent critic of the Republican Party, went on Twitter Thursday to attack the conservatives again, especially Graham, who recently made headlines for his passionate defense of Judge Brett. Kavanaugh of the Supreme Court.

"If you're wondering why Republicans have taken a day off today, it's probably because it's #NationalComingOutDay," Handler wrote. "I'm looking at you @ LindseyGrahamSC."

TMZ saw the senator at Reagan National Airport in Virginia Friday and asked if he had a response to Handler's comments.

"It's a free country. She can say what she means. I'm mad, "Graham said.

A TMZ reporter asked if Graham thought his comments were homophobic.

"I do not think much about what she says at all," he said. "If she wants to live her life that way, it's up to her to decide."

TMZ's cameraman continued to interrogate Graham as he was crossing the airport, asking him if he thought Handler equated homosexuality with evil. (RELATED: Protesters Chase Graham at his car saying they'll dismiss him – Lindsey replies)

"She knows nothing about me," said the senator. "As long as it counts, I'm not gay."

Graham also added that he did not think his comments would do any good in the country.

"We go from there. Neglecting people is no longer as funny as it was, "said Graham. "And that's a good thing."

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