Lion Air Crash: Boeing sued by victim's family


Boeing Co. was sued for what could be the first US complaint related to the Lion Air Flight 610 crash, which plunged into the Java Sea after taking off from Jakarta on October 29th.

H. Irianto, the father of Dr. Rio Nanda Pratama, an Indonesian among 189 people killed in the disaster, sued Boeing on Wednesday in Chicago's state court, where the automaker's headquarters are located. Irianto says that a new flight control system built into the Boeing 737 MAX 8 airliner has been at the origin of the accident. He claims unspecified damages.

Investigators believe that a faulty sensor prompted a computerized security system to aggressively push the jet into a dive while the pilots were trying to cope with multiple malfunctions. US aviation regulators, Boeing and, are considering adding a software patch to the 737 Max. Three US pilot unions have expressed concern over the lack of information provided by Boeing on the security system.

Boeing spokesman Chaz Bickers declined to comment on the trial or the investigation, but reiterated an earlier statement that the company "is taking all steps to fully understand all aspects of this incident, in close collaboration with the investigation team and the regulatory authorities involved ".

He added: "We are confident in the safety of the 737 MAX."

Southwest Airlines Co., the largest operator of the 737 Max 8, has replaced two defective flight control sensors of the same type in the three weeks leading up to the Lion Air aircraft, the Wall Street Journal quoted a summary as saying. the US carrier's maintenance file. examined. Southwestern pilots said they could not use throttle settings.

Southwest did not immediately respond to an email requesting comments on the newspaper report. Boeing said it has provided two updates to operators around the world, focusing on existing procedures for these situations. Safety remains his top priority, he said.

The case is Irianto v. Boeing Co., 2108-L-012384, Illinois Circuit Court, Cook County (Chicago).

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