Bill Schuette, the Republican candidate for governorship, presented his running mate Wednesday. It's the former state representative Lisa Posthumus Lyons.
Paul Egan / Detroit Free Press

Lisa Posthumus Lyons, a lieutenant governor of the GOP family home, suffered significant fire damage on Sunday, according to a campaign statement.

The childhood home of Posthumus Lyon in Alto, southeast of Grand Rapids, "risks being a total loss," said the statement from Attorney General and Republican candidate Bill Schuette.

Asked about a possible cause of the fire, campaign spokesman John Sellek told the free press that all they knew now was that it had begun in the the garage and had moved.

All members of the Posthumus Lyon family are taken into account and safe, but the family will assess the situation and determine where they will move temporarily, the statement added.

More: Who is Lisa Posthumus Lyons? 9 facts about Schuette's comrade

More: AG Bill Schuette introduces his running mate

Posthumus Lyon, the Kent County Clerk, is the daughter of former Lieutenant General Dick Posthumus, who was appointed chief of staff to Governor Rick Snyder on February 9, 2017.

"Lisa and her husband Brad and their children Easton, Charlie, Gage and Fisher thank everyone for their prayers and offers of help They are very grateful for the firefighters, sheriffs, assistants and first responders who have rushed to the scene, "the statement said.

For more information, contact Aleanna Siacon reporter at [email protected]. Follow her on Twitter @AleannaSiacon.

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