Live: President Trump holds a rally in Las Vegas


President Donald Trump spoke of the thaw in his once icy relationship with Nevada Republican Senator Dean Heller on Thursday night.

"We were not friends. I did not like him and he did not like me, "said Trump during his Las Vegas rally. "And as we fought and fought, believe it or not, we started to respect each other, then we started to love each other, and then we started to love each other."

The relationship between Trump and Heller started coldHeller was a Trump critic during the 2016 campaign. Heller then overturned a first version of the GOP repeal, announcing his opposition to a press conference alongside popular Republican governor Brian Sandoval. But, according to GOP sources, the two began to warm up when Heller accompanied Trump on Air Force One in Las Vegas after the shooting that took place last fall. Heller was then one of the main advocates of Trump's tax bill.

"He has always been there. We can count on his vote, "Trump said Thursday night.

Then he took it out on stage.

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