Live Updates: Hurricane Michael Approaches Florida


Tropical Storm Michael has formed near the Yucatan Peninsula on Sunday, and is on track to conquer the United States.

The storm has hit western Cuba with heavy rain and high winds and is expected to land as a mid-week hurricane on the northeast coast of the Gulf of Mexico. This is the region that extends from Mobile, Alabama, across the Florida Panhandle and into the Big Bend area of ​​North Florida.

"Michael is expecting to become a hurricane very soon," the National Hurricane Center announced in its 8-hour bulletin. "According to forecasts, Michael will be close to major hurricanes or will reach major hurricane levels when he reaches the northeastern Gulf of Mexico on Tuesday night and Wednesday."

As of 4 pm Sunday, tropical storm Michael was concentrated about 130 km southeast of Cozumel, Mexico, the National Hurricane Center announced.

But it's so big that people 200 miles from the center are hit by tropical storm winds.

"Reinforcement is planned over the next few days," said the hurricane center.

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