"Liverpool needs luck and courage to beat Man City – we have to play better than defeat in Naples"


Jürgen Klopp revealed the powerful formula needed to defeat Pep Guardiola's teams: courage and luck.

Klopp has seven wins over the Spaniard as manager of Liverpool and Borussia Dortmund. Rather than detailing the complex tactical master plans explaining this success, Klopp provided a more basic explanation.

"Last year, we won the last three games against City, twice in the Champions League and one in the league. After any of those games, you go into the locker room and think, "Now we have it, we now know how to beat Manchester City," he said. "There is no way, nothing you have to do to beat them that is not here.

"You must be ready, you need a fantastic football team that I have, thank God with an exceptional character, ready to be brave, ready to make mistakes against an exceptional opponent. That's all, then everything can work, that's all we need to know. But I have already said that, it is always someone who tells me: "Good luck for Sunday" and I think, unfortunately, we still need it.

"We needed it in every game we played and we will still need it, but that's not a problem, if you work hard, you win it, you deserve it, and that's what we're trying to do, mixed with a very good football, this is the plan.You must create your own moments, you must be brave in these situations also and then it can work, but there is no guarantee, absolutely not . "

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