Load on this low sugar drink instead


Sugary drinks can greatly increase the risk of diabetes. A recent study published in BMC found that these sweetened beverages lack healthy nutrients and produce more harmful effects than fruits and other foods containing fructose. Lead author of the study, Dr. John Sievenpiper is a researcher at the Center for Clinical Nutrition and Risk Factor Modification at St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto, Canada. "These findings could help guide recommendations on important dietary sources of fructose in the prevention and management of diabetes," Dr. Sievenpiper said. "But the level of evidence is low and more high-quality studies are needed."

Fructose is a kind of naturally occurring sugar in foods such as fruits, natural juices, vegetables and honey. Fructose is added in large quantities to these drinks to make it sweeter. Previous studies have suggested that fructose plays a major role in the development of diabetes and heart disease. For the study, the research team analyzed 155 studies on the impact of fructose sugars on blood glucose levels in people with and without diabetes.

(ALSO READ: Diabetes Diet: 5 Best Fruits Diabetics Can Appreciate Sugar)

The results revealed that foods containing fructose sugar did not have an adverse effect on blood glucose levels, if they were not overloaded with calories and fat. In terms of nutrition, these sugary drinks add nothing to your body except empty calories. "Until more information is available, public health professionals should be aware that the harmful effects of fructose sugars on blood glucose seem to be mediated by energy and the food source." , wrote the researchers.

Fenugreek water for diabetes

There are many natural ways to monitor your blood sugar. A study published in the International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research found that a daily dose of 10 grams of fenugreek seeds soaked in hot water could help control type 2 diabetes. Methi Dana water can reduce blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. Methi Dana contains fibers that allow slow release of glucose in the blood.

(See also: Managing Diabetes: Here's How This Delicious Fruit Can Help Manage Blood Glucose)

Here's how you can make fenugreek water

1. Add a spoon of fenugreek water to a cup of water and let it boil for 5 to 10 minutes.

2. Filter the water in a container.

3. Consume lukewarm.

Include this low-calorie drink in your diabetic diet and see the results yourself.

Disclaimer: This content, including tips, provides generic information only. It is not in any way a substitute for qualified medical advice. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim any responsibility for this information.

(with ANI entries)

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