Local girl discovers stars at NASA Space Camp


SPOKANE, Wash. – To sophomore Gonzaga Prep Adalgisa "Addy" DeCaro, hitting her personal record for Girl Scout cookie sales (2,032 this year!) Means a lot more than satisfying people's sweet tooth.

"Sometimes I think that sort of thing puts everything we do in the dark," Addy said.

Girl Scout cookies have helped save for college and help pay for incredible opportunities. Two years ago, she went to Alabama for a space camp where she went on a mission, donned a spacesuit and even launched rockets.

"Our rocket was the only one that properly deployed its parachute so I was like" yay! "I'm the one who wrapped the parachute," Addy said.

This summer, she took her love of the planets a little further, participating in Reach for the Stars. Addy is one of twenty selected scouts across the country to travel to Maryland for the Girl Scouts / NASA camp.

Once again, she will mingle with astronauts and learn more about space, but there is a bigger goal this time around.

"It's a big leap, that's certain," Addy said.

When she returns home, she will lead the effort to form a local Girl Scouts astronomy club.

Lani Nachtsheim and the Girls Scouts added, "The good thing about the Girl Scouts is that we are all girls, it will be led by the girls, as a counsel, we will be guided by them. We have no expectations except that they will use their creativity and that they will use what they get from this training. "

Hoping to inspire other girls to follow in his footsteps.

"It's a very big thing because I've always enjoyed working with young children, so it's fun to share my experiences with the youngest and I hope to inspire them to do that." likewise, "said Addy.

Addy is joined by another Pomeroy Girl Scout. The two will work together on the astronomy camp. The Girl Scouts hope it will be operational by next year.

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