Local hospitals prepare for a peak of trauma during July 4th festivities


INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. – We are a few days away from the July 4th festivities, which means local hospitals are about to see a big peak in trauma cases.

Last year, there were more than 200 fireworks. During the first week of July, there were reports of related injuries in the state's Department of Health.

The use of firecrackers, rockets and sparklers resulted in almost half of the injuries reported. Doctors see dozens of patients come in with severe burns and even missing fingers and toes. Dr. Joshua Adkinson, a plastic surgeon at Riley's Children's Hospital, says the wounds are severe and the rise.

"In fact, I have just operated somebody today who had a fire-related injury." I had to remove some of the fireworks. One of his fingers and I made a few toes for thumb transfers for similar injuries, where we take another part of the body and transplant it by hand and rebuild the thumb or the finger "said the Dr. Joshua Adkinson

Local fireworks companies, such as Phantom Fireworks in Castleton, tell us that they are asking their clients to use common sense to handle fireworks.

Read all instructions, warnings, labels and warnings on each item to understand the product.

Also, never try to use professional fireworks without the permit or license.

"You use candles or Roman candles to water them. There is a chance to reignite. For sparklers, have a bucket nearby so the kids do not burn themselves, "said R.J., a Phantom Fireworks employee. DeVince

In addition, local fire departments see a sharp rise in calls. The Wayne Township Fire says they see more than 50% of calls to fire stations for flames caused by fireworks.

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