Longtime Help Says There's a 'Not Zero' Chance to Run Against Donald Trump


A longtime help to Hillary Clinton hinted that while it's unlikely, it's not impossible that the United States gets a rematch election in 2020. Yes, there seems to be an ever-so-slight luck President Donald Trump could see a familiar foe come his bid for re-election.

The help, Philippe Reines, made the comments in a Politico piece-titled "How Do You Solve a Problem Like Hillary?" – that examined, in detail, what Clinton's role might be moving forward in Democratic politics. The former Secretary of State for the public eye after the shocking election to Trump, Bill Clinton, the former president. Her future could be appearing at rallies and, importantly, fundraising for Democrats.

Or it could be something else. Queens, who worked closely with Clinton for many years, suggested she should be mentioned in the same breath as potential top 2020 candidates.

"It's curious why Hillary Clinton's name is not in the mix-either verbally or in formal polling-at a 2020 candidate," Reines told Politico. She's younger than Donald Trump by a year She's younger than Joe Biden by four years Is it that she's running before This Bernie Sanders's second time, and Biden's third time Is it lack of support She had 65 million people vote for her. "

Reines added that Clinton is an experienced fundraiser, still has a base of voters and is more than a "failed candidate": "She is smarter than most, to the death, "he told Politico.

Clinton would be running for a second time against Trump-who, of course, defeated her in 2020 despite Clinton winning the popular vote.

Here's what he said to Politico when asked if she's running.

"It's somewhere between highly unlikely and zero," said Reines, "but it's not zero."

Hillary Clinton 2020? Hillary Clinton, the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee, participates in a discussion at an event in Washington, D.C., on October 2. A longtime Clinton help suggested a 2020 run was not 100 percent off the table. Alex Wong / Getty Images

Most, if not all, polls have shown Vice President Joe Biden as the top candidate for the 2020 Democratic nomination. But Clinton does not seem to have decent levels of support in surveys that have included her. A Harvard CAPS / Harris poll in June, for instance found Biden led the way with 32 percent support but Clinton was second, with 18 percent support. Sanders, who lost the appointment to Clinton in 2016, was third, with 16 percent support.

A poll in September showed Clinton appeared to be ahead in a theoretical re-do of the 2016 election-she has 44 percent support to Trump's 36 percent.

"In 2016, I think of Americans thinking of themselves, '' Let's just blow things up and see what happens, '' '' '' John Podesta, train Clinton campaign manager, said to Hill.TV about the poll at the time. "Now they have actually seen what happens, they wish they could get back to the strong, steady leadership that Hillary has always provided."

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