LOOK: West Virginia vs. Texas Tech Holds Halfway Mid-Season Wedding Ceremony


If you remove one thing from the series of college football games that will be held on Saturday, it should be this: nothing distracts the attention of an annoying house explosion like someone's wedding day. ;a.

At half-time of his Saturday afternoon clash with No. 12 West Virginia, Texas Tech's # 25 had already lost 25 points, a 35-10 record and lacked a competent defense and of a healthy quarterback. So what did they take out during the mid-match break?

Wedding vows for life, of course.

As Max Olson documented on Twitter, the 50-meter line at the Jones AT & T stadium was the actual wedding venue of a couple at half-time of the match, with a real bride and his groom as well as a complete wedding party.

There are so many questions to solve. Who was this idea? Was it an attempt to get married without missing a Texas Tech game? If that is the case, it would seem that they could have chosen a better day. Will the honeymoon be at Amon G. Carter Stadium, where the Red Raiders are scheduled to take the TCU on October 11th?

If we know one thing, it is that this wedding did not get formed unexpectedly and that it is not some kind of performance that Texas Tech has been able to distract the fans from West Virginia.

Lyndol Lloyd, pastor of the United Methodist Church of Lakebidge in Lubbock and officiant of Saturday's half-time ceremony, was seen on Facebook Friday rehearsing for the event at the stadium with the ### 39, orchestra of the school.

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