Lord of the wings | Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences John A. Paulson


"We wanted to take this complex form and turn it into something simpler so that we could ask specific questions and compare its geometry between species," said Jordan Hoffmann, co-author of the article and PhD . candidate for SEAS. "We have examined the geometric properties of these individual forms, called domains. We examined how long each area was, how many sides it had, how it touched its neighbors.

Hoffmann and the team found that much of the variation in geometry could be described by the size of the domain and its circularity. They also found that although the model of each wing is unique, the distribution of domain forms is strikingly similar between families and species. For example, the size of the domains tends to decrease as they move away from the body, while the shape of the domains tends to become more circular towards the trailing edge of the wing.

"It's like natural geometric history, in which we examine how these forms are distributed across many species," said Seth Donoughe, co-author of the article and postdoctoral fellow at the University of Chicago. "Once we had a good way to assess the similarity of the wings, we built a simplified model for the development of veins of wing. "

The researchers proposed that an unknown inhibitory signal diffuse from several signaling centers in regions located between primary veins. These inhibitory zones emerge randomly and repel each other, and then prevent secondary veins from growing in certain areas. As the wing grows and stretches during development, these areas could form the complex geometries of the wing as the veins grew around. they.

Researchers tested the model on many insect species – including distant insects – and produced life-like wing reproductions.

"If we do not pay attention, even we are sometimes deceived by simulated wings," Donoughe said.

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