Do not drink and scooter in Los Angeles.

City prosecutor Mike Feuer announced Thursday the successful prosecution of a 28-year-old man for impaired driving while driving a Bird electric scooter. It is the first DUI scooter to be loaded in the second largest city in the country.

Nicholas Kauffroath pleaded not to challenge a single chief operating a motorized scooter while he was under the influence and charge. He was given a 36-month probation period, a $ 550 fine, a three-month impaired driving program, and a 64-year-old pedestrian return. According to a press release from Feuer's office, he was also asked not to use a motorized scooter containing alcohol in his system.

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"Drinking while driving a vehicle, a bike – or a scooter – is not only illegal, but can result in serious injury or worse," said Feuer. "This conviction demonstrates our office's ongoing efforts to enforce our impaired driving laws and make our streets and sidewalks safer."

Kauffroath had a blood alcohol level of 0.279, more than three times the legal limit, after hitting the pedestrian while driving a motorized scooter on August 4 on a sidewalk in West Los Angeles, according to Feuer's office. According to the release, he was unable to arrest or assist the victim, who was struck on the ground and suffered knee abrasions.

Headquartered in Santa Monica, near Los Angeles, Bird is a dockside scooter sharing company whose vehicles are available for charter in 19 states and in Washington, DC, as well as in Brussels, Paris, Tel Aviv and Vienna.

The Birds rental agreement states that riders "shall not use" the scooter under the influence of alcohol, drugs, drugs or other substances that could compromise the ability of the user to use the scooter. vehicle safely.

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