Louis C.K. Performs another Surprise Surprise at Comedy Cellar


By Kevin Mazur / Getty Images.

Disgraced comedian Louis C.K. held a controversial and unannounced stand-up at New York's Comedy Cellar in August, the club's owner, Noam Dworman, was immediately defensive decision to leave C.K on stage. "I would just like to be a platform," he said. He was not joking. C.K was back with another surprise surprise on Sunday night and many in the crowd did not seem happy.

A major argument in the debate over whether CK should be "allowed" to return to the comedy scene less than a year after he admitted and apologized for it. being masturbated in front of many women without their consent having to do with the surprise nature of her performance. According to critics, it's one thing to knowingly attend a C.K. show, and it's another challenge for an unsuspecting audience to bring it up. The lack of consent is particularly ironic in C.K.

But the August controversy drew no lessons because the Comedy Cellar did not once again prepare its crowd for the appearance of C.K. An anonymous source told Page Six: "It continued around midnight. Some women went out.

Gothamist reports that, according to the new rules of the Comedy Cellar, those who left after C.K. took the stage were not made to pay their checks. Dworman told the Huffington Post that he had a "swim at his own risk" policy: "We do not know who can be on the list of players. If someone does not come that you do not want to see, you are free to leave it: no questions asked and check the house completely. That said, we are not waiting for Louis to return anytime soon. Dworman said that less than a month ago.

Everyone was not sorry to see C.K on stage. According to several takes with access to the audio of the evening, C.K. was greeted with a mix of boos, gasps, applause and cheers. But another criticism pointed to her performance in August is that C.K. did not address her committed sexual misconduct or engage in any way whatsoever. According to the Six Page source, C.K. was once again mom on the subject: "He did not approach [the #MeToo allegations against him]. He was a little arrogant. . . he made comments such as "I've been gone for a while" because everyone needs a break. "

C.K was not the only comedian who had been away for a long time in New York this weekend. According to an Instagram post, Aziz Ansari also been seen at the Cellar Comedy and there is footage comedian saluting warmly Kanye West behind the scenes of S.N.L. the Saturday. (Ansari has denied any wrongdoing.) Given West's green sweatshirt, this interaction seems to have unfolded before the impromptu speech of the pro-Trump musician, but there is only a little more than enough. a month ago that Ansari started selling shows again and putting on his own comedy come back.

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