Louis C.K presents himself in a comedy club, but this time it's not a secret


It was surely a rare show late Monday night in front of Comedy Cellar, one of the most popular comedy spots in New York: the protesters.

Jennifer Boudinot, 37, held a cardboard sign saying, "When you support Louis CK, you tell women that your laughter is more important than their sexual assault and the loss of their careers." Another woman, Lana McCrea , is presented. shortly afterwards with his own sign: "Does this sign make you uncomfortable, Louie?

They were both here because of another sign. Outside of Comedy Cellar, Louis C.K., the stand-up king, had been sexually charged with several women almost a year ago.

"Frankly, I was furious," Ms. Boudinot said in an interview. "Every comedian who's hurt deserves a spot on Comedy Cellar's stage a hundred times before he's allowed to return to the stage," she added.

Louis C.K had made surprise appearances on the venue sporadically since the end of August, after disappearing from the public, he launched a debate over whether his return attempt was dumb. Many New York club owners, who are attentive to ticket sales, said they would welcome them with pleasure. Noam Dworman, owner of Comedy Cellar in Greenwich Village, supported the return of Louis C.K., saying it was not his job to block an interpreter that many might find reprehensible. The appearances of Louis C.K at Comedy Cellar are more and more frequent; he played Sunday night too.

Monday's appearances marked a new stage in Louis CK's comeback: it was the first time the Comedy Cellar announced that it would be on stage, causing a buzz outside the club, while several pedestrians who saw the sign loudly exclaimed their desire to see him. Some immediately tried to get places on hold because the show was full. Guests entering the room were visibly uncomfortable while Mrs. Boudinot and Mrs. McCrea had begged them to go out during her set.

Louis C.K played at the 9:30 am show and again at the 11:30 am show, which continued early on Tuesday morning. He was one of the last comedians to perform at the end of the show. The crowd greeted it warmly and the vast majority remained watching, while a handful filtered. As in previous appearances, references to his scandal are brief.

"So, what kind of year did you guys have?" Louis C.K says starting his set. "They tell you that when you have problems, you find out who your true friends are. These are the blacks. They will stay with you. "

He went on to say that he did not read much of it on the Internet and that he was there to joke.

"I need to make jokes because I need an income," Louis C.K said. He told the crowd that he had lost $ 35 million "in an hour" as a result of the initial report on his misconduct.

"Hard things, you survive them or you do not do it," Louis C.K said. "I think even hell, you can survive. Hell is not so bad. I have been there. "

"Some of these things seemed a bit eccentric," Bocanegra said. "But I'm like," Well, it's Louis CK "But at the same time, I thought," Is he doing this because he's trying to make a statement that "I'm going to 39 in mad? "

But she said she was aware of Ms. Boudinot – who said she was a survivor of sexual assault – and Ms. McCrea, the protesters who had implored people to go out.

"I respect these women for doing that," Ms. Bocanegra said. "We respect that, totally. But was I ready, for example, to leave a show for that? I do not think so. "

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