"Luke Cage" canceled: no season 3 for Netflix Marvel series


Netflix separates from another superhero: the streaming service has been canceled Marvel Luke's Cage after two seasons – and just a week after his ax Iron Fist by Marvel – our sister site deadline reports.

"Sadly, Marvel Luke's Cage will not be coming back for a third season, "Marvel and Netflix said in a statement." Everyone at Marvel Television and Netflix is ​​grateful to the showrunner, the writers, the actors and the team who brought the hero to life. from Harlem over the past two seasons, as well as to all fans who have supported the series. "

Season 2 of Luke Cage, starring Mike Colter as a titular superhero, debuted last June. According to Deadline, the Cheo Hodari Coker showrunner and the scriptwriters' room were already working on scripts for a third season, but the creative differences between Netflix and the show's team led to the end of the hero's run.

Colter debuts as Cage on Netflix Jessica Jones before getting his own series. He then took over the role in the Marvel team series The defenders The caps of cancellation Luke Cage'S runs at a total of 26 episodes, and leaves Jessica Jones, The punisher and Daredevil – which actually comes back for Season 3 today – as three Marvel dramas still airing on Netflix.

The TVLine Continuous Renewal Scorecard has been updated with the cancellation.

KEYWORDS: Marvel's Luke's cage, Netflix

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