M.T.A.A. Said that the subway is better. Here's why you did not notice it.


Some days, the subway seems worse than ever.

Pieces of debris rained down on the Barclays Center platform in Brooklyn last week. A few days earlier, storms flooded stations and named a new subway mascot: Flood Rat, a rodent spotted behind a pillar as the water rose.

But metro officials say the system is slowly improving – if you look closely.

On Monday, Andy Byford, the leader in charge of saving the New York subway, argued that the system was improving in a presentation to the Metropolitan Transportation Authority board.

"Statistics show that we are turning the corner where we need to turn it," said Byford. "There is no panacea. You do not just click your fingers and undo decades of under-investment.

But New Yorkers are frustrated by the fact that the subway is still unreliable more than a year after the agency launched a bailout of about $ 800 million to repair the system.

The metro service is often terrible. More than 60,000 trains were pushed back last month.

The punctuality rate for metro trains did not improve significantly. Last summer, only 68% of trains were at the time, up slightly from 65% the previous summer – the lowest rate since the 1970s metro crisis.

Carl Weisbrod, a M.T.A. member of the board of directors and former chairman of the city planning commission, said the bailout had produced only a "marginal improvement".

Metro officials said the workers had cleared 285 miles of track, repaired 1,300 signal defects and upgraded 1,600 metro cars. The agency hired over 1,000 additional workers.

Runners may be delayed in part because of all the work being done on the runways to improve the system, said Byford.

"The customer's point of view is probably the following:" In reality, things have not really improved because there are delays, literally because we are doing the work, "said Byford.

The subway rescue plan was intended to stabilize the system, Librera said. She acknowledged that the runners had lost confidence in the system.

"We know we have not won yet," said Librera. "We have more to do. We remain 100% committed. "

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