Mac Miller's death is caused by accidental fentanyl and cocaine overdose


The death of rapper Mac Miller, which occurred in September, was the result of an accidental overdose, according to a Toxicology Report published by the LA Coroner's Office. Fentanyl, cocaine and alcohol were found in the system. from Miller. The combination of drugs – an autopsy obtained by Rolling stone describes the use as "recreational" – caused the death of the rapper.

Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid 30 times more potent than heroin. It is one of the deadliest drugs associated with the current opioid crisis and the leading cause of accidental overdose deaths, exceeding heroin. In recent years alone, fentanyl has killed a number of prominent musicians, including Prince, Tom Petty and Lil Peep, all of whom died in circumstances similar to Miller's.

Miller has struggled all his life against addiction and talked about it openly in the past. His early career was marked by lean addiction – a mixture of promethazine and codeine – although he was able to give up the habit for a while. Miller experienced sobriety episodes, but resumed drinking this year, which led to an inebriated arrest in May. According to the autopsy, a bottle of alcohol, a prescription drug pill and a "white and powdery substance" were all found at Miller's home after his death.

Throughout his career, Miller has been outspoken in his assessment of his own struggles with his addictive tendencies, evoking them in his music and in interviews. He brought to his music and his life a keen sense of his own mortality. "There is only a lot of time left in this crazy world," one reads in one of his tattoos, according to the autopsy report.

Miller's death in September came at the peak of his career: his latest album, To swim, was widely considered his best, and an indication that he had much more to offer as an artist. Last week, a tribute concert was organized in his honor for the benefit of the Mac Miller Circles Fund, a charity created on his behalf. Travis Scott, rapper Chance, SZA and other artists performed at the show, and many of Miller's friends and collaborators weighed in with what makes him a talented artist.

Related: How Fentanyl Contains Cocaine Supply in America

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