Macao: Sophia Floersch survives a Formula 3 crash


You can see 17-year-old Sophia Floersch losing control of her Van Amersfoort Racing car and flying over her competitors before crashing into the track.

On Twitter, Floersch thanked everyone for the messages of support.

"I just wanted everyone to know that I'm fine, but that I'm going to the operating room tomorrow morning," she wrote, adding that an update will be available soon.

In a medical report published by Van Amersfoort Racing, Floersch is aware of and suffers a fractured spine following the terrible accident that occurred on Chinese territory.

The medical report added that Floersch is "not fit for the race".

The FIA, the governing body of motorsport, also issued a statement on Facebook stating that the Japanese Sho Tsuboi – whose car hit Floersch – had also been driven to a local hospital for "further assessment", as well as two members. media and a marshal.

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