Macron shoots back at Trump: ‘I do not do policy’ on Twitter


French President Emmanuel Macron responded to President TrumpDonald John TrumpMeet the lawyer Democrats call when it’s recount time Avenatti denies domestic violence allegations: ‘I have never struck a woman’ Trump names handbag designer as ambassador to South Africa MORE’s recent attacks on Twitter, saying in an interview that he does not “do policy or diplomacy by tweets.”

“I do not do policy or diplomacy by tweets,” the French president said in an interview released Wednesday on French TV network TF1. 

When addressing French-U.S. relations, Macron told the network: “At each important moment in our history we have been allies, and between allies there is respect and I do not want to hear the rest.”

His remarks come after a series of Trump tweets on Tuesday morning that blasted the French leader over trade, warnings about nationalism and Macron’s call for a “true, European army” last week to protect itself against China, Russia and the U.S.

In a tweet about tariffs on U.S. wines that are sold in France, Trump complained the current arrangement is “not fair, must change!”

“On Trade, France makes excellent wine, but so does the U.S,” Trump said in a tweet attacking Macron. “The problem is that France makes it very hard for the U.S. to sell its wines into France, and charges big Tariffs, whereas the U.S. makes it easy for French wines, and charges very small Tariffs. Not fair, must change!”

“The problem is that Emmanuel suffers from a very low Approval Rating in France, 26%, and an unemployment rate of almost 10%. He was just trying to get onto another subject,” Trump also tweeted, just days after Macron in a speech tore into “nationalism” in an apparent jab at Trump. “By the way, there is no country more Nationalist than France, very proud people-and rightfully so!”

“Emmanuel Macron suggests building its own army to protect Europe against the U.S., China and Russia,” Trump also tweeted. “But it was Germany in World Wars One & Two — How did that work out for France? They were starting to learn German in Paris before the U.S. came along. Pay for NATO or not!”

Macron in the Wednesday interview said that his call for Europe to prepare an army to defend itself was a guarantor of France’s “sovereignty,” not a rejection of the country’s alliance with the United States.

“Allies are not vassals,” Macron said.

A French government spokesman also lashed out at Trump on Wednesday over his series of tweets the day before and said the president should have shown “common decency” instead of attacking the country and Macron as the country observed the anniversary of deadly terrorist attacks in Paris.

“Yesterday was Nov. 13, we were commemorating the murder of 130 of our people,” spokesman Benjamin Griveaux said, according to Reuters. “So I’ll reply in English: ‘common decency’ would have been appropriate.”

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