Madhuri Ruia shares tips on fitness and fighting disease


Iron deficiency occurs when the body does not have enough minerals, which leads to abnormally low levels of red blood cells.

Iron is needed to make hemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells that allows them to carry oxygen in the body.

If the body does not have enough hemoglobin, the tissues and muscles do not get enough oxygen and are not able to work effectively.

In conversation with this correspondent, Madhuri Ruia, a nutritionist and fitness expert, talks about fitness, nutrition and sharing tips for staying healthy.

What does fitness mean to you?

Fitness for me is about being able to reinvent myself, reach new heights easily and with passion. With fitness, my metabolism is set to make me feel younger as I get older.

What do you think is the difference between healthy living and healthy fitness?

Being in good health focuses on the absence of illness and staying reasonably well within the expected life parameters.

For example, to qualify with the biological markers expected for a given age … for example, we expect that a 40 year old person will suffer some loss of muscle tissue or maintain his health with Using conventional medicine, following a reasonably balanced and controlled calorie meal plan and approach a light walk of 45 minutes, this day to day even if one can be sedentary for most of the day.

Physical fitness focuses on capacity building and personal presence using the combined benefits of regulated diets focusing on nutritional density, macronutrients, micronutrients, trace elements, vitamins and minerals. antioxidants.

People in good shape concentrate on developing muscle and bone health by training them intensely, using body weight or bodybuilding, as well as a programmed cardiovascular program that goes well beyond Beyond the walk.

Fit people balance their diet with their activity. The language of fit people is to look at how they can tap into their own youth energies, no matter how old they are.

What is the extent of the problem of iron deficiency in India and in the world?

Iron deficiency is a major concern in India and around the world. 1.62 billion people are affected worldwide. In India, 55% of women and 24% of men suffer from iron deficiency.

Iron is an essential and important nutrient because it binds oxygen in the blood, making it available for the metabolic processes that govern life itself. However, deficiency symptoms are quite often silent and include daily symptoms such as fatigue, decreased immunity, shortness of breath, hair and brittle nails.

How can we stop it?

Natural sources of iron are often inadequate, especially in vegetarian nutrition. For example, spinach considered to be rich in iron has a form of iron that is not bioavailable and difficult to absorb for the body because of the oxalates it contains.

In addition, life habits have become hectic, eating habits are irregular, which could also lead to a loss of iron in the body. It is therefore advisable to start by improving natural eating habits, eating healthy foods for the home and adding lime juice or tomatoes – iron being better absorbed in the presence of vitamin C.

But when one is on the move or it becomes difficult to have a healthy and regular diet, one can then rely on fortified foods, in other words, fortified foods to get iron for sufficient contributions.

Tropicana Essentials Iron, for example, is a 100% juice without additives (sugar or preservative). The product also contains vitamins A and C that enhance the absorption of iron. One serving of Tropicana Essentials Iron provides 15% of the RDA of iron.

What are the dietary needs to maintain iron balance in the body? Is it different for vegetarians and non-vegetarians?

The diet should always be balanced and healthy and include vitamins C and A adequate for maximum iron absorption. Iron from non-vegetarian foods is called heme iron and is more bioavailable in the body. Iron found in vegetarian foods is essentially non-heme iron and is less bioavailable in the body.

How can modern youth stay in shape?

  • Consume a healthy diet rich in protein, healthy carbohydrates, healthy fats, trace elements and iron
  • Exercise or play sports for at least an hour or more per day
  • Sleep 8-10 hours most days of the week
  • Set their refined sugar intake to no more than 3-6 cps. One day
  • Avoid following a strict protocol of low calorie diet

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